The following is a breakdown of Bettor in Green’s performance for the month of March as a team and individuals. Each month’s article will feature this breakdown as well as the growth of the Bettor in Green community.
Green Team Total: 73 – 59 – 2
Daily Picks: 25-24
Daily Locks: 16-6
Ben: 11-9-1
Ethan: 9-11-1
Wyatt: 12-9
Monthly Lesson: The Daily Locks are money and after a poor March, the boys bounced back.
Ben’s Record: 11-9-1
NHL: 7-2-1
MLB: 0-3
NBA: 0-1
NFL: 4-2
Masters: 0-1
Breakdown: Besides a poor performance on the MLB in his BIG 3, he’s been great on MLB in the Daily Picks. He had an impressive 4-2 record betting a highly unpredictable NFL Draft. The highlight for his past month has to be him getting money back in 80% of his NHL bets in March.
Ethan’s Record: 9-11-1
NHL: 6-6-1
MLB: 2-2
CBB: 0-1
XFL: 0-1
Masters: 0-1
MSP*: 0-1
Breakdown: Like Ben above, Ethan’s BIG 3 have struggled. However, he’s been the Master Mind behind the 16-6 Daily Locks. Ethan uploaded some instant reactions that helped boost BIG to a new level this month. He had a near .500 month and will look to carry over his Daily Lock success rate into all his bets in May!
Wyatt’s Record: 12-9
NHL: 5-5
NBA: 3-2
CBB: 3-0
Masters: 1-1
MSP*: 0-1
Breakdown: Wyatt is on a two-month streak of being the most accurate host on Bettor in Green. He was the only one to hit a Master's bet and went all in on UCONN which paid him out a huge 3-0 week. He started BIG’s Daily Picks show increasing the number of winning picks and the shows exposure. April was the month of Wyatt!
Bettor in Green April Community Growth:
YouTube Subscribers: 207 (+61)
YouTube Views: 33,500 (+13,002)
TikTok Followers: 119 (+55)
TikTok Views: 32,000 (+14,000)
Total April Views: 118,649
Make sure you are subscribed to Bettor in Green and follow us on all platforms!
*MSP= Multi Sport Parlay