The following is a breakdown of the Bettor in Green’s performance for the month of August as a team and individuals. Each month’s article will feature this breakdown as well as the growth of the Bettor in Green community.
Green Team Total: 45-36 (.555)
Ben: 14-13
Ethan: 14-13
Wyatt: 17-10
Monthly Lesson: We’re getting hot with our MLB Picks.
Ben’s Record: 14-13
MLB: 4-2
MMA: 0-1
WNBA: 2-0
NFL: 1-5
Soccer: 4-4
CFB: 3-1
Breakdown: Ben’s streak of Host of the Month comes to an end, but he managed to stay profitable on a rough month. The unpredictability of the NFL preseason sunk him. He will look to rebound and have another stellar NFL season. Ben finishes Season 1 with the most win reaching 100 wins on the last week.
Ethan’s Record: 14-13
MLB: 6-6
NFL: 6-5
CFB: 2-2
Breakdown: Ethan has been right on the heels of the Host of the Month in back-to-back months. Ethan had a huge comeback during the second half of Season 1 to end with a winning record on the year. Don’t be surprised if Ethan wins the first Host of the Month in Season 2.
Wyatt’s Record: 17-10
MLB: 7-3
WNBA: 0-1
NFL: 6-4
CFB: 4-2
Breakdown: Wyatt wins host of the month for the last month of Bettor in Green, Season 1! He won 4 months out of 6. He killed the MLB and was profitable in both pro and college football. Wyatt will be a force in Season 2. Wyatt also created two viral videos getting over 100k views helping the brand reach new heights.
Bettor in Green August Community Growth:
YouTube Subscribers: 301 (+24)
YouTube Views: 23,400 (+3,700)
TikTok Followers: 290 (+140)
TikTok Views: 404,000 (+394,000)
Total August Views: 593,986 (*New Record*)
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