The following is a breakdown of the Bettor in Green’s performance for the month of March as a team and individuals. Each month’s article will feature this breakdown as well as the growth of the Bettor in Green community.
Green Team Total: 27-24
Ben: 9-9
Ethan: 8-7
Wyatt: 10-8
Monthly Lesson: We are stronger together.
Ben’s Record: 9-9
NHL: 4-4
MLB: 3-2
NBA: 1-1
Golf: 1-1
Nascar: 0-1
Breakdown: Ben was a Chevy win away from tying for the best record of the month and being profitable or even in every sport. With the NBA and NHL coming to an end, good thing his best record was in the MLB!
Ethan’s Record: 8-7
NHL: 4-3
MLB: 2-3
NBA: 1-1
XFL: 1-0
Breakdown: Ethan was gone for a week but still managed to pull together a profitable month with a HUGE XFL win. Ethan finishes with the least losses on the month and was a 3-0 week away from winning the month outright.
Wyatt’s Record: 10-8
NHL: 3-3
NBA: 4-3
MLB: 2-1
Golf: 1-1
Breakdown: Wyatt has dominated since joining Bettor in Green. He is on a 3 month win streak making him profitable for over a quarter of the year! Wyatt pushed or won every sport he bet on in May.
Bettor in Green March Community Growth:
YouTube Subscribers: 247 (+40)
YouTube Views: 36,700 (+3,200)
TikTok Followers: 121 (+2)
TikTok Views: 2,979 (-10,000)
Total April Views: 67,539
Make sure you are subscribed to Bettor in Green and follow us on all platforms!
*MSP= Multi Sport Parlay