The following is a breakdown of the Bettor in Green’s performance for the month of September as a team and individuals. Each month’s article will feature this breakdown as well as the growth of the Bettor in Green community.
Green Team Total: 30-23-1 (.566)
Ben: 7-10-1
Ethan: 15-6
Wyatt: 8-7
Monthly Lesson: Football is back, and the Boys are thriving.
Ben’s Record: 7-10-1
NFL: 7-9-1
CFB: 0-1
Breakdown: Ben started last NFL season as hot as could be and carried it through the entire season. This year has been a real struggle. Blame it on the baby. Blame it on the deep depression from the Lions loss. Honestly, I expect a big bounce back next month.
Ethan’s Record: 15-6
NFL: 14-6
CFB: 1-0
Breakdown: Ethan wins his first host of the month in DOMINANT fashion. Ethan didn’t miss a show and just piled on the wins. He is starting off season two on an insane level and will be in his bag the rest of the season.
Wyatt’s Record: 8-7
NFL: 8-6
CFB: 0-1
Breakdown: Wyatt got married and went on his honeymoon and came back a winner. Wyatts winning record in a busy month is a testament to his football knowledge.
Bettor in Green September Community Growth:
YouTube Subscribers: 349 (+48)
YouTube Views: 36,200 (+12,800)
TikTok Followers: 371 (+81)
TikTok Views: 492,000 (+88,000)
Total September Views: 693,700 (*New Record*)
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